Single to Married Seminar

September 20 - 22, 2024

What is the Single to Married Seminar?

Single to Married is a weekend seminar designed to help young professional, single men to consider and prepare for a happy Christian marriage. Participants will learn about the purpose of Christian marriage and gain practical wisdom for their dating lives and future marriages. Participants gain insights into common questions such as:

  • How can I be more intentional in dating?

  • What does a successful Christian marriage require?

  • How do I know if she is “the one?”

  • How can I prepare myself now for married life and fatherhood?

These topics will be addressed in a series of talks and discussion sessions led by certified marriage and family therapist Doug Hinderer, as well as in a guided discussion between Doug and his daughter Monica, who herself is a licensed professional counselor. The seminar will also feature a panel discussion of single and married women who will give their perspectives on these topics.


Session 1: The Fullness of a Catholic Vision of Marriage

As there is much discussion about varying views on marriage and the family, the Single to Married seminar begins with a stage-setting discussion of a Catholic understanding of marriage and family. Marriage is the basic building block of society. It binds together in a sacred union a man and a woman, and serves to bring children into the world. Marriage is for life, a commitment that is more easily lived because of the grace of the Sacrament.


Speaker: Doug Hinderer MA, LMFT

Doug is a licensed marriage and family therapist. He holds an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy, and maintains a limited private practice in which he provides tele-therapy throughout Illinois. In addition to seeing couples experiencing marital disharmony, he frequently speaks on a variety of marriage topics, and even hosts his own show entitled “Marriage Unhindered”  on Relevant Radio. You can learn more about Doug and his on-line workshops, offered for both married couples and for couples contemplating marriage, by visiting his website – and you can follow him on Instagram and Facebook @happymarriageforlife. Doug has been married to his wife Shirley for 43 years.  They have 9 children and 8 grandchildren.  

Session 2: Intentional Dating… Asking the Most Important Questions

Dating, like all activities of importance, has a greater chance of success if it has a clear end in sight and a detailed plan on how to get there.  In this session we will look into how to meet wonderful women and how to evaluate your compatibility. Here's a list of what we will explore:  What's the best way to meet the right woman?  How to set up your dating app profile so you don't get swiped left.  What are the immediate turn-offs?  First date do's and don'ts.  Deeper evaluations of compatibility down the road.  What are the red flags you should be looking for?

Speaker: Doug and Monica Hinderer

Monica is a licensed clinical professional counselor with 5 years of experience working with individuals and families. Her private practice specializes in anxiety-related disorders, addiction, and relationships helping individuals and families create happy, healthy, and holy homes. Monica integrates theology and psychology in her work to empower her clients to create sustainable change and live their best lives.


Session 3: Foundations of a Long Lasting Marriage

Great marriages do not just happen by chance. They are the result of work done long before you even meet the woman whom you will marry. “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock" (Mt 7:24). Setting the foundation of a marriage that will withstand the storms of life begins in the present. In this talk you will learn what a strong marriage foundation looks like and get ideas on how to begin today to build that foundation.

Speaker: Doug Hinderer MA, LMFT

Session 4: Women Providing Their Perspective

What do women look for when seeking a spouse? What desirable traits should men cultivate to become “husband material?" These ladies will speak to habits in courtship that help discern whether a dating relationship has enduring potential. They will also comment on those elements in a courtship that eventually provide the backbone for a fulfilled marriage. Our panel of women will share their own experiences to aid participants in our quest to find the right one and be the right one.

Speakers: Lori Taffet, Marilyn Wheadon. Maria Regalbuto

Lori is a 30-something single and proud Texan. She is a medical speech pathologist who works with adults in inpatient and outpatient rehab. She loves spending time with her 7 nieces and 2 nephews and you can often find her making cheeseboards for friends or planning her next hiking trip. 

Marilyn is a Wisconsin native. She met and fell in love with her husband, Joe, while attending the University of Dallas. Marilyn and Joe have been married for 15 years. After several moves around the country, they finally settled in Woodstock, IL where they have a small farm. Marilyn is a stay-at-home mom to six children, (five boys and one girl) whom she also homeschools. Marilyn enjoys gardening, photography, and a nice glass of red wine.

Maria is a full-time mother living in Park Ridge, IL. She and her husband Robby have been married for seven years and have been blessed with two children. Trained as a professional pastry chef, Maria has a deep passion for baking and finding ways to incorporate her love of pastry into the culture of the family home. Coming from a home with eight siblings, Maria has had to navigate the challenges of being open to life while dealing with recurrent pregnancy loss, recognizing God's plan in both the joys and sufferings of parenthood.




6:00pm – Arrival and getting situated

6:30 – Dinner

7:30 – Welcome and introductions

8:00 - Beers and camaraderie around the campfire

11:00 - Encouraged bedtime


7:45am - Encouraged wake-up time

8:30 - Holy Mass (confessions available starting at 8)

9:30 - Breakfast

10:30 - Session 1: The Fullness of a Catholic Vision of Marriage

11:45 - Session 2: Intentional Dating… Asking the Most Important Questions

1:00pm - Lunch

2:15 - Get-together

3:00 - Enjoying the outdoors!

5:00 - Session 3: Foundations of a Long Lasting Marriage

6:00 - Holy Rosary

6:30 - Cookout

8:00 - Movie & discussion

10:30 - Encouraged bedtime


6:45am - Encouraged wake-up time

7:30 - Meditation

8:00 - Holy Mass

9:00 - Breakfast

10:00 – Clean the house & pack your bags

11:00 - Session 4: Women Providing Their Perspective

12:00pm - Depart


Thank you for your interest in the Single to Married weekend. We have, however, reached the limit of the number of beds in the lake house we'll be using. But you are absolutely welcome to join us and participate in all parts of the weekend. Registering now just means you'll have to bring a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor, which plenty of folks have done in the past. If you would like to do this simply continue on to the registration information below.


Additional Details

Available Activities

Swimming, boating, basketball, other sports, bonfires, reading.


$60. This includes lodging, Friday dinner, all meals on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday.


A lake house in Bristol, WI. Bristol is just over the Wisconsin border, a 90-minute drive from downtown Chicago. (The address will be provided upon registration.)

For more information

Contact us at